We just LOVE our precious Emersyn Kate! She's getting so big and is able to do so many new things! She LOVES to be upright in her walker! She so reminds me of Jonathan. He never liked being a baby. He always wanted to be straight up and down so he could see everything.

Emersyn has developed quite the little personality! She smiles a lot and wants to touch everything. Her grasp has gotten so much better and (of course) everything she holds goes straight to her mouth.

She is doing a great job of sitting up by herself. She can sit for quite a while before she gets tired and falls over. She LOVES books. They are about her favorite toy!

Emersyn is quite the mommy's girl! She's always looking around to see where Anne Marie is.

She is such a precious addition to our family! I can't remember what it was like when we didn't have her. She is definitely our "precious angel"!!!
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