We had a baby shower for Anne Marie, Jonathan and Emersyn today. It was such fun and they got so many wonderful gifts. We had a lot of people here and 3 babies and one little girl. Children are so innocent and full of wonder. It's so awesome to watch their reactions to different things and people, especially other babies and children. Audrey is 11 months old and is crawling everywhere. She also pulls up on things and walks while holding on. She likes other children and is very vocal. She's pretty shy around adults she doesn't know.

Ashley and Audrey are half sisters and Ashley hauls Audrey around all over. Parker is the son of a very good friend of mine and is about 15 months old.

Audrey and Parker held several conversations and screaming matches with each other. It was soooooo funny!

We couldn't decide if they liked each other or not. They certainly crawled a lot together and sat and looked at each other. At one time, they sat facing each other and one would babble and then the other. Then they looked at each other and one would scream and then the other. Guess we just weren't in the loop on what was going on!

Parker loved the knobs and dials on the dishwasher. He can scoot on his bottom faster than anyone I've ever seen! Amazing! He never meets a stranger. He smiles at everyone and will go to anyone, especially if they will take him somewhere he wants to go! Such a cutie!!!

God truly blessed us with a lot of babies in our lives. We can't wait to meet Emersyn! She's loved and looked forward to already. Only 10 more weeks! CAN'T WAIT!!!!
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