September is a busy, busy month for us! We have several birthdays in our family. My sister-in-law, Kim's birthday is the 17th. Then comes Danny's on the 22nd and finally my great neice, Katelynd's on the 26th. We had a little birthday party for Danny at my mom and dad's house, since my dad can no longer get out. I won't tell you how old Danny turned but, I can say he sure doesn 't look his age!!! How DOES he do it????

My mom and I made him a red velvet cake, his favorite.

Watch out for all that FIRE!! Danny is such a special person. He's so kind and caring and I couldn't ask for a better husband! Love you bunches!!!!

Of course Emersyn had to get in on the birthday act for her Grampa!! She loves him and when you say, "Where's Grampa?" she looks all around and if she doesn't see him, she holds out her hands like: "Where is he????"

Emersyn has so much fun at Mama and Papa's house. There are always new things to see and do. She'll disappear for a few minutes and then re-appear with something new to show us. Don't you love her hat?? It belongs to my dad and he got it on a Senior Adult trip.

What a busy, busy month!!