It's that time of year again! Time to untangle those lights, drag out the millions of ornaments and put up that tree (that leans a little to one side). No matter what, it's a fun time of year and we love to decorate the tree as a family. This was Emersyn's first time and, by the picture below, I don't think she was too impressed. Oh well, she'll get used to the craziness of decorating!

Everyone gets an ornament to add to the tree every year. (I have to throw away quite a few of the old ornaments every year to make room for the new ones. The tree IS only so big after all!)
Lauren always chooses an ornament with "shoes".

Chad got one of his favorites this year. A "Charlie Brown" ornament that plays the Charlie Brown theme song.

Danny chose "Hoops and Yoyo". They just crack me up!

Jon and Anne Marie had to hang their own ornaments plus one for Emersyn.

We had a great time decorating, eating cookies and listening to Christmas music! It's the most "wonderful" time of the year!!!!