Sunday, July 18, 2010

Audrey's 1

Our precious Audrey turned 1 on July 7. She is such an angel! She's grown so much this year and done so many awesome things. She started walking the day after her birthday. She's not really steady on her feet yet but, boy, does she ever get around! Mama gave her this adorable little "Dora" car and she just loved it! It sings, beeps and she's already learned how to get on and off.
Yea for Audrey! She's walking!

"Watch me!"

Audrey got a new bow and headband for her birthday. It looked so cute on her but only lasted about 1 minute and then, poof, she pulled it off.

Opening presents. I think she almost liked the paper the most of all.

She really liked the little train. It blew whistles, sang songs and rolled along.

Such a cutie pie!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Little Fourth Fun

Well, I did it again! Loaded my pictures pretty much backwards but, here goes. These are the fireworks in Douglasville. We went up to the JoAnn's parking lot (just like last year) to watch. It was really a great view. Last year there were very few people there but, I guess the word got around cause this year the parking lot was packed out!! Chad and Lauren waiting for the fireworks.

Danny and Lauren.

Silly Jonathan, Anne Marie and Emersyn

We had family over on Sunday the 4th for a cookout. It was great and the weather was absolutely gorgeous! We cooked hambergers, hot dogs and made homemade ice cream! It doesn't get any better than that!!! Granddaddy and Mickey really enjoyed it!

Anne Marie, her dad Quentin and her sister in law Shannon. (and Emersyn of course)

We even had 4th of July decorated tables!