We woke up this morning to a little snow and much ice. Also to very, very cold temps. I got up at 6 am to check out the traffic and try to get in to work. The Georgia DOT said NO Way, go back to bed so I did. Then I called work at 8 and told them "NO Way". Ice, ice baby!!! Unfortunately this was a surgery day and we had 30 patients booked for surgery. Would you believe all the patients got there, BUT, not all the techs. Go figure. I tried to head in about 11am but got really freaked out on Hwy. 5 so I turned around and went home. Not worth crashing my car or my head!!!

Here's my NEW lamppost covered in snow and ice. I LOVE it!

Our house with it's dusting of snow and much ice.

Footprints in the snow!

Lauren commemorated the day by writing Snow 2010 on her back windshied.

All in all it was a pretty laid back, do nothing day!